Books and Journeys

I’ve been wanting to write and update my blogs, but often I was blocked by my own thought: What should I write to entertain my readers? I don’t think my thought would be interesting enough.. or.. I’ll just do it another time.. and another hundreds of self excuses I made myself.

And then, just yesterday I stumbled over Hanny’s blog. And the title says it all: There’s only one way to write: by being honest.

The very title itself clawed the inner me, if not stabbing me *hahaha. Yes, perhaps I’ve forgotten that to write I just have to.. write it down. (or typing, as what we usually do these days instead of writing). So here I am now typing my thoughts down.

Just a short thoughts about books, for now.

I am one of those who shared the thought of: one of the best companion for your holiday, or a journey, is a book to read. However, it had happened many times that when I prepare and pack my stuff for a trip, I left my books behind. Either I just couldn’t decide which book to carry with me, or I said to myself, it’s too heavy to carry a book or two in my bag.

Then the trip happened. Then it’s time for me to go back from the trip, the holiday, and I found myself have to wait long hours in the airport for my flight. Next thing happened, impulsively, I bought a book to read. Or even two books, as what just happened last Sunday. Here are they:

My two most recent books. Gailman and Sarrantonio. And Zafon.
My two most recent books. Gailman and Sarrantonio. And Zafon.

Well, I do actually have an iPad, and during the beginning of the trip, I entertained myself with it. Ah, I do have e-books inside my iPad as well, though not very updated. But as what had happened (several times), in the end I go back to the paper books, bought it, started to read it in the end of my trip.

Same thing happens to you, perhaps?

Will write more about the trip later. Feel free to remind me!

5 thoughts on “Books and Journeys

  1. […] Nah karena kejadian hari itu juga, kali ini saya mencoba menulis blog yang (maunya sih) pendek dan bercerita tentang apa yang saya alami dan saya pikirkan. Biar ada variasi dan eksplorasi yang saya lakukan. Yang penting, tetaplah terus menulis, seperti yang saya pernah tulis di sini. Lain kali, saya mau menulis lagi dengan Bahasa Inggris ya, seperti dulu ini. […]

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